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200909月—201310月 英国诺丁汉大学博士, 旅游营销

200709月—200906月 荷兰瓦格宁根大学硕士,休闲、旅游与环境

20039-20076月 天津商业大学学士,旅游管理



201112-20113月 维也纳经济大学休闲与旅游研究所访问学者







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:恣纵背后:基于元需求的旅游消费行为及供给侧改革对策构建路径研究。项目期:2021-2024。(主持)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“穷家富路?”解释水平视角下非惯常环境购买行为的心理机制研究。项目期:2018-2020,优秀结题。(主持)

3. 教育部社科基金青年项目:基于选择域模型的旅游目的地决策动态研究。免鉴定结题。 (主持)

4. 国家旅游局规划面上项目:入境游客偏好动态分析——选择域视角。结题。(主持)

5. 南开大学文科发展基金科学研究类项目青年项目:分享的力量:互动仪式视角下旅游能量的涟漪效应研究。项目期:2022-2024。(主持)

6. 南开大学青年基金启动项目:非惯常环境下基于解释水平的购买行为研究。结题。(主持)

7. 南开大学中央高校基本科研业务专项资金,结题。(主持)

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:它在对我笑吗?动机和情绪双视角下的品牌拟人化、拟人方向及其效应研究。结题。(参与)

9. 国家社科基金一般项目:乡村旅游实践中人文发展之自组织与他组织的复合作用机理研究。结题。(参与)





1. Lv, Xingyang; Zhang, Chenwei; Li, Chunxiao*. Beyond image attributes: A new approach to destination positioning based on sensory preference. Tourism Management, 2023.

2. Liu, Hongxu; Li, Chunxiao*; Xu, Hong. How tourism decision-making and on-site interactions promote family benefits: A power perspective. Journal of Leisure Research, 2023.

3. Li, Chunxiao; Wang, Yuting; Li, Hui. Effect of time pressure on tourism: How to make non-impulsive tourists spend more. Journal of Travel Research, 2022, 62 (7): 1411-1426.

4. Wang, Yuting; Li, Chunxiao*. Differences between the formation of tourism purchase intention and the formation of actual behavior: A meta-analytic review. Tourism Management, 2022, 91.

5. Lv, Xingyang; Luo, Jingjing; Liang, Yuqing; Liu, Yuqing; Li, Chunxiao*. Is cuteness irresistible? The impact of cuteness on customers' intentions to use AI applications. Tourism Management, 2022, 90.

6. Bi, Jianwu; Li, Chunxiao; Xu, Hong; Li, Hui. Forecasting daily tourism demand for tourist attractions with big data: An ensemble deep learning method. Journal of Travel Research, 2022, 61(8):1719-1737.

7. Lv, Xingyang; Liu, Yue; Luo, Jingjing; Liu, Yuqing; Li, Chunxiao*. Does a cute artificial intelligence assistant soften the blow? The impact of cuteness on customer tolerance of assistant service failure. Annals of Tourism Research,2021,87.

8. Li, Chunxiao; Wang, Yuting; Lv, Xingyang; Li, Hui*. To buy or not to buy? The effect of time scarcity and travel experience on tourists’ impulse buying. Annals of Tourism Research, 2021, 86.

9. Li, Chunxiao; Lv, Xingyang; McCabe, Scott. Understanding the dynamics of destination loyalty: A longitudinal investigation into the drivers of revisit intentions. Current Issues in Tourism, 2021, 26(2):323-340.

10. Liang, Sai; Zhang, Xiaoxiao; Li, Chunxiao; Li, Hui; Yu, Xiaoyu. Tit for tat: Understanding the responding behavior of property hosts on peer-to-peer rental platforms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021, 33(3): 1105-1126.

11. Wei, Mingqiu; Bai, Changhong; Li, Chunxiao*; Wang, Hongyu. The effect of host-guest interaction in tourist co-creation in public services: Evidence from Hangzhou. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2020,25:4, 457-472.

12. Liang, Sai; Li, Chunxiao; Zhang, Xiaoxia; Li, Hui. The snowball effect in online travel platforms: How does peer influence affect review posting decisions? Annals of Tourism Research, 2020,102876.

13. Xingyang Lv, Chunxiao (Spring) Li*, Scott McCabe. Expanding theory of tourists’ destination loyalty: The role of sensory impressions, Tourism Management. 2020,77.

14. Zsófia Tóth, Jan Dul, Chunxiao (Spring) Li, Necessary condition analysis in tourism research, Annals of Tourism Research.2019,79.

15. Shen, Xuerui; Lv, Xingyang; Lin, Shuang; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*. Application of the Stereotype Content Model to Destination Image: Empirical Evidence from China, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.2019,14:1-10

16. Liu, Yuqing; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*; McCabe, Scott; Xu, Hong. How small things affect the big picture? The effect of service product innovation on perceived experience value. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2019, 31(7):2994-3014 2.

17. He, Huiwen; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*; Lin, Zhibin; Liang, Sai. Creating a high-performance event team: A temporary organization perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019,81:21-29

18. Li, Qiuyun; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*; McCabe, Scott ; Xu, Hong. Always Best or Good Enough? The effect of ‘mind-set’ on tourist’s destination preference consistency over time. Annals of Tourism Research, 2019, 75: 186-201

19. 郑丹妮 李春晓 于赫尧等.学科归属、学科认同与旅游学科建设——“旅游一代与旅游学科发展”专题学者对话录[J].旅游论坛,2023,16(01):12-26.

20. 李琳 唐亚男 李春晓 谢双玉.非惯常环境及行为:基于旅游情境的再思考[J].旅游学刊,2022,37(11):40-51.

21. 梁赛 田佳佳 刁建超 李春晓*.基于三维度理论的游客在线评分情感异质性及影响因素研究[J/OL].南开管理评论,2021:1-29

22. 李春晓 冯浩妍 吕兴洋 李晓义.穷家富路?非惯常环境下的价格感知机制研究[J].旅游学刊,2020,35(11):42-53.

23. 李春晓,李辉,刘艳筝,梁赛.多彩华夏:大数据视角的入境游客体验感知差异深描[J].南开管理评论,2020,23(01):28-39.



1. 李春晓 张宸玮 李辉 刘红旭. 旅游视频对不同心理状态人群的魔力——旅游场视角下的最佳情绪反应研究.《旅游科学》2023年会(会议优秀论文奖)

2. 李春晓 英雄之城?后疫情时代旅游景点重建格局. 2021第四届“一带一路”旅游论坛会议 嘉宾演讲

3. 梁赛 田佳佳 李春晓*. 隐秘的情绪:在线评分背后游客不同情感维度及影响因素探究. 2020旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)

4. 李春晓 冯浩妍 吕兴洋 李晓义. 穷家富路?非惯常环境下的价格感知机制研究. 2019旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)

5. 吕兴洋 李春晓* 李惠璠. 感官印象:旅游者忠诚的增益解. 2018旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)

6. Ji, Mingjun; Li, Chunxiao*. Greeting “virtual friends”: A study on the behavior pattern of Chinese anime pilgrims. The 4th International Tourism & Retail Service Management Conference, Columbia, USA, 2022;

7. Li, Chunxiao; Feng Haoyan. The impact of unusual environmental differences on price perception from the perspective of construal level theory. TTRA Europe 2019, Bournemouth,UK, 2019

8. Li, Chunxiao; Luan, Yue; Li, Hui. A typology study of international tourists' perception and experience of China based on big data analysis. International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management, Marcao, China, 2018

9. LiChunxiao; Scott McCabe. Destination choice amongst Chinese long-haul outbound tourists. the 8th CPTHL Symposium Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013;

10. Li, Chunxiao; Eijk, C. McCabe, S. Understanding the Choice heuristic of tourism decision making, Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium Conference, Brunico City, Italy, 2011.

11. McCabe, S.; Foster, C.; Li, Chunxiao.; Nanda, B. Tourists' use of mobile digital media/online tools in shaping visitor experiences. Paper presented to the 'Tourism Metrics' workshop, USI, Lugano, Switzerland,2010;

12. McCabe, S.; Joldersma, T.; Li, Chunxiao. Understanding the benefits of Social tourism: health, wellbeing and quality of life. World Congress on Social Tourism/World Leisure Forum, Quebec City, Canada, 2008.


李春晓,李琳. 旅游特殊性——熵减·需求漂移·行为异化[M]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2023.


1. 天津市研究生优秀教学成果奖一等奖

2. 南开大学青年五四奖章青春领路人称号

3. 第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛天津市特等奖(指导教师)

4. 第九届“创青春”中国青年创新创业大赛省级铜奖(指导教师)

5. 第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省级铜奖(指导教师)

6. 第一届中国青年旅游创意设计大赛全国一等奖、优秀指导教师

7. 全国大学生海南自贸港旅游创新大赛全国优胜奖、优秀指导教师

8. 第八届全国大学生红色旅游创意策划大赛华北赛区一等奖、优秀指导教师

9. 全国大学生粤港澳海洋旅游创新大赛华北赛区三等奖、优秀指导教师

10. 南开大学第四届“校长杯”创新创业大赛创新赛二等奖(指导教师)

11. “知行南开”研究生创新能力提升计划社会调研优秀项目:非惯常环境下游客冲动购买行为研究 (指导教师)

12. 2019天津市大学生创新科研项目“身份匿名性对游客冲动购买意愿的影响研究”南开大学三等奖(指导教师)

13. 2018天津市大学生创新科研项目“基于目的地形象的文化创意产品开发研究-以天津市旅游文创产品为例”南开大学一等奖(指导教师)

14. 南开大学2023届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师

15. 南开大学2021届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师

16. 南开大学2019届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师

17. 南开大学2016届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师


国际旅游研究协会(Travel and Tourism Research Association)亚太区理事会委员

中国旅游研究国际联合会(International Association for China Tourism Studies)杰出青年学者

担任《Annals of tourism research》编委

担任《Humanities & Social Sciences Communications》(Nature子刊)编委

担任《Annals of tourism research empirical insights》编委

担任《Annals of tourism research》、《Journal of business research》、《Journal of travel research》等各类国际期刊的外审专家
