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旅游与服务学院 副院长


长期关注数字经济背景下旅游智能管理相关的教学与研究。先后在哈尔滨工业大学管理学院获得学士、硕士(免试)和博士(免试)学位。历任讲师(2007)、副教授2008)、教授2012),The Ohio State University国家公派访问学者(2010-2011)。IACTS会士(2022-),IEEE高级会员(2014-)。《Tourism Management》编委(2022-),《Tourism Economics》编委(2021-),《信息与管理研究》编委(2018-);《南开管理评论》专业主编(2018-2021),International Journal of Neural Systems客座编辑(2010)。(曾)任中国信息经济学会智慧医疗与服务创新专委会副主任、中国现场统计研究会旅游大数据分会副理事长、中国运筹学会决策科学分会常务理事、中国优选法与统筹法研究会智能决策与博弈分会常务理事等。




完成的高水平研究成果所发表的旅游类及管理类期刊包括:Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、Journal of Travel Research、International Journal of Hospitality Management、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Journal of Sustainable Tourism、Current Issues in Tourism、Journal of Destination Marketing & Management、Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research、Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management、Information Technology & Tourism;IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems、Information Fusion、Information Sciences、Information & Management、European Journal of Operational Research、Computers & Operations Research、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Journal of Forecasting、Enterprise Information Systems、Knowledge-Based Systems、Economic Modelling、Computers & Industrial Engineering、Applied Soft Computing、Expert Systems、Expert Systems with Applications、International Journal of Systems Science、Technological & Economic Development of Economy、Annals of Management Science管理工程学报、系统工程理论与实践、中国软科学、南开管理评论、科研管理、计算机集成制造系统等。


1. Gao L.-F., Li H., Liang S.*, Yang J.-J., Rob L., How does constraining description affect guest attention and satisfaction? A case study of Airbnb. Tourism Management, (2022). 

2. Chen Q.-X., Li H.*, Liang S., Zhou Q., Reap what you sow: The boomerang effect of misconduct on restaurant firm survival. International Journal of Hospitality Management, (2022).

3. Yuan K.-Q., Li H.*, Liang S., Chen Q.-X., Can inconsistent media coverage increase hotel survival? The bright side of controversy. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, (2022).

4. He L.-Y., Li H.*, Bi J.-W., Yang J.-J., Zhou Q., The impact of public health emergencies on hotel demand - Estimation from a new foresight perspective on the COVID-19. Annals of Tourism Research, 94 (2022) 103402.

5. Li H., He L.-Y.*, Yang J.-J., Forecasting the medium-term performance of restructured tourism firms with an adaptive integrated predictor. Tourism Management, 88 (2022) 104436.

6. Liu Y.-F., Li H*., Liang S., Any reputation is a good reputation: influence of investor-perceived reputation in restructuring on hospitality firm performance. Annals of Tourism Research, 92 (2022) 103327.

7. Bi J.-W., Li C.-X., Xu H., Li H.*, Forecasting daily tourism demand for tourist attractions with big data: an ensemble deep learning method. Journal of Travel Research, (2022). Doi: 10. 1177/00472875211040569.

8. Li H., Chen Q.-X.*, Liang S., Yang J.-J., The power of internet exposure: Influence of online news coverage on restaurant survival. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(4) (2022) 1399-1422.

9. Bi J.-W., Li, H.*, Fan Z.-P., Tourism demand forecasting with time series imaging: A deep learning model. Annals of Tourism Research, 90 (2021) 103255.

10. Li C.-X., Wang Y.-T., Lv X.-Y., Li H.*, To buy or not to buy? The effect of time scarcity and travel experience on tourists' impulse buying. Annals of Tourism Research, 86 (2021) 103083.

11. Sun N.*, Song H.-Y., Li, H., Idiosyncratic deals and occupational well-being in the hospitality industry: the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (10) (2021) 3797-3813.

12. Liang S., Zhang X.-X., Li C.-X., Li H.*, Yu X.-Y. Tit for tat: understanding the responding behavior of property hosts on peer-to-peer rental platforms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(3) (2021) 1105-1126.

13. He H.-W., Lin Z.-B., Li H.*, Key survival factors in the exhibition industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89 (2020) 102561.

14. Liang S., Li C.-X., Zhang X.-X., Li H.*, The snowball effect in online travel platforms: How does peer influence affect review posting decisions?. Annals of Tourism Research, 85 (2020) 102876.

15. Bi J.-W., Liu Y., Li H.*, Daily tourism volume forecasting for tourist attractions. Annals of Tourism Research, 83 (2020) 102923.

16. Li H., Liu Y.-F.*, Liang S., Zhou Q., Tourism firm restructuring: Does the attention of individual investor matter?. Tourism Management, 80 (2020) 104126.

17. Liang S., Li H., Liu X.-W.*, Schuckert M., Motivators behind information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb hosts. Annals of Tourism Research, 76 (2019) 305-319.

18. Li H.*, Xu Y.-H., Li R.-X., Xu H., Failure analysis of corporations with multiple hospitality businesses. Tourism Management, 73 (2019) 21-34.

19. Li H.*, Xu Y.-H., Yu L.-A., Predicting hospitality firm failure: Mixed sample modelling. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29 (7) (2017) 1770-1792.



指导研究生获得由The International Federation for Information Technologies in Travel and Tourism国际一级学会颁发的Enter Best PhD Proposal Award一等奖1项、三等奖2项,Enter数据科学竞赛Best Visualization Award等。


影响力全球前2%顶尖科学家。学术声誉指数RG Score34.9,排名全球学者前7.5%H指数30。是多个国家级和省部级人才项目评审人,国家自然科学基金国际重点合作项目、国家自然科学基金面上和青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金、河北省自然科学金、陕西省自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、山东省重大科技专项等多个国家级和省部级科研项目以及科技奖励评审人。

研究成果获得各类引证5000次左右,先后被包括美国Harvard University、MIT在内的欧美亚澳20余个国家和地区的著名/知名学者团队引证。(曾)是多个国际学会会员,10余个国际会议组委会委员,40余个国际重要期刊评审人(包括:Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、International Journal of Hospitality Management、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Tourism Management Perspectives、Journal of Forecasting、Information & Management、European Journal of Operational Research、Journal of the Operational Research Society等旅游管理和关联学科的重要期刊)。



