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Doctor of Philosophy, Research Assistant


星期一 14:00-16:00

星期五 10:00-12:00


309 办公室





Sustainable Rural Tourism, Tourist Satisfaction in Rural Tourism


· PhD in Public Administration from Nankai University China (2017-2022)

· Master in Social Work from Federal Urdu University Karachi, Pakistan

· (2010-2013)

· Bachelor of Arts (B)from Karakoram International University, Pakistan (2007-2010)


· Post-Doctoral fellow in the College of Tourism and Service Management at Nankai University, China (July 2022 to Present)


Jamil, B., Yaping, S., Ud Din, N. et al. Do governance indicators interact with technological innovation and income inequality in mitigating CO2 emissions in Belt and Road Initiative countries?. Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 51278–51296 (2021).

Jamil, B., Yaping S., Ud Din, N., Nazneen, S. (2021).  Do effective public governance and gender (in) equality matter for poverty? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021.

Nazneen, S., Hong, X., Ud Din, N., Jamil, B. (2021). Infrastructure-driven development and sustainable development goals: Subjective analysis of residents’ perception. Journal of Environmental Management, 294, 112931.

Nazneen, S., Hong, X., Ud Din, N., Jamil, B, Hussain K (2023). The moderating role of technological innovation between tourism and carbon emission: Short and long run panel analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30 (18), 53103-53114.


    Awardee of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) in 2017.
